Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Letting Potential Customers Leave A Voice Mail is Killing Your Business

With Web- and mobile-based communications taking over as the dominant means of contact for many customers, voicemail is on its way out. Quite simply, consumers have found better ways to stay in touch.

Recent statistics from Forbes magazine show that 80 percent of callers sent to voicemail do not leave messages because they don' think they'll even be heard.  Other surveys show different numbers. Speech technology vendor Nuance Communications recently conducted a survey with Research Now and discovered that 95 percent of those polled find text messaging more convenient than voicemail.

John Jacobs, a leading Communications expert, puts the voicemail abandonment rate at between 50 percent and 75 percent, depending on the type of business.  "Everyone is looking for instant gratification, and if you can't provide that...a lot of times they'll simply hang up," he says. "Companies are losing a lot of business opportunities because people are not leaving them messages. "

How much business are you losing?  If you have voice mail I am sure you have hang ups.  If you believe these numbers and I do, because I will personally hang up if I have an immediate need and I get a voice mail.  All City Communications will answer your calls live without a recorded greeting and also will give your business a friendly voice to be attentive to the needs of the caller before your competitor is.  What do you prefer?  Live answering when you have a need or a voice mail?  

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