Many businesses, both large and small, typically utilize some sort of advertising for their business. Advertising can be a costly expense and the moment that a potential customer decides to contact you for your services, there needs to be someone answering those calls live without a voice mail. If that potential customer gets a voice mail or a busy signal, the potential customer most likely will find someone else that is available. If there isn’t someone available to answer the calls as your business name, ensuring the caller’s needs are immediately addressed, the money spent on advertising is wasted since the potential customer will most likely call someone else that is available. This is what I call a “so what” for why a business should utilize an answering service.
An answering service can help increase your availability to potential clients and current clients by providing a person to answer every one of your calls live as your business name, capturing that potential lead or satisfying the needs of your current customer. An answering service’s ability to answer your calls live and dispatch your urgent or service related calls immediately while not disturbing you or your on call staff with general message calls can be a boost to sales and allow you or your on call staff to only receive calls that are urgent. Additionally, an answering service allows you to benefit from the availability of our staff of over 40 Operators without the expense of needing to hire someone specifically to answer your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you miss 1 call a week by not being available to the potential customers, what does that 1 lost customer mean to you? If you are advertising to grow your business, not only are you losing the lost revenue from the potential client at their time of need or the potential for repeat business from the client but also the waste of money you have spent from your advertising campaign to attract the potential customer in the first place.