Thursday, July 28, 2016

Don’t be a transaction only business

Many of us purchase products and services by simply finding a website that offers that specific product or service.  There is no interaction with anybody in order to complete the purchase.  A decision is made solely on price and availability and the occasional review by someone you have never met.  The limited criteria many customers use to complete their transaction eliminates a major differentiating factor for all businesses, QUALITY!

If you allow your product or service to solely be valued by price, you will ultimately lose that business to someone offering the perceived same product or service, cheaper.  If you allow price and availability to be the only reasons that someone decides to use your product or service the only way to compete with other companies offering the same product or service is to lower your price.  Eventually you are doing the same work or offering the same product at a lesser value which ultimately lessens your value.

One simple way to enhance the transaction only culture that many companies fall in to is to increase your availability and perceived quality by having a person answering your phones live without a recorded greeting.  The impact of having that personal touch, guiding that caller to a solution is a difference maker.  We can answer as your business name without the caller knowing that we are not in your office.  Your caller will not have to navigate through a confusing automated phone system in order to get their question or concern answered on the product or service they are interested in.  Essentially, by simply having an answering service available to answer your calls live, you have added a very important differentiating factor that makes you more valuable that simply price and availability.          

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